Your support and financial contribution would be crucial in the realisation of this much-needed Church. If you are able to assist, kindly make your contribution to the following bank account:
Bank: Malayan Banking Berhad
Account Name: Kristus Aman
Payee for cheques: GKHS Building Fund
Account No.: 5142 7168 7510
Thank you so much for your generous contribution. God bless.
After making your contribution, please WhatsApp to Kristus Aman (+6017-233 1041) or email to to notify us of your contribution.
Official receipts will be issued upon request.
Should you require further information, please contact:
Stephen Quah, Chairperson (+6016-227 3818) or
Christina Ang, Deputy Chairperson (+6012-790 0479)
Thank you for your support and generosity in making this Church a reality.
Thank you for your support and generosity in making this Church a reality.
Building Fund Pledge
Building Fund Pledge